Our ethos in action
Experiment and enquire how devotion to love can become a soul compass
Creatively question and queer existing power structures within the field
Welcome the empowerment of all participants involved clients and therapists alike
Develop a sense of belonging to a shared, communal project
️Live the vision that individual psychotherapy needs to be held by a community and can no longer be separate from the urgent need for social change
Current Projects
Local Food Bank Support
South Asian Therapists Monthly Gatherings
Past Projects
Outreach programmes including the British Asian Women's Association (BAWA, London), the South Asian Gallery (Manchester) and Place2Be
Events - Power in the Therapy Room, Animal Assisted Therapy, Islam & Sexuality, Lessons from Emergent Gender & Sexual Identities & Care Experience
Intergenerational LGBTQIA+ Gathering
Sustaining Aashna+
Sustaining Aashna+ is paramount to ensure we can continue to support our vision to provide culturally sensitive accessible therapy. Initial funding was raised through the home group, alongside funding through the Let's Get Uncomfortable project donations, Aashna+ GoFundMe and from April 2024 the Aashna+ Open Collective has helped sustain Aashna+ into our fifth year and beyond.
We invite our friends, family and Aashna community to donate Aashna+ via the Aashna+ Open Collective to support therapy to be accessible to our communities.