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Learning Community

​To walk our talk and ethically stand behind our ethos, we recognise our need to be held and challenged by a learning community that is in ongoing self and community enquiry centred on the ways our intersectional identities meet our clients. Our core resource is a sense belonging to a growing community with social justice at it's heart.
The Aashna + therapist community encourages and facilitates our individual and collective growth by hosting regular reflective learning gatherings, where we collaboratively explore our clinical work through an intersectional, relational and embodied lens. We hold an annual working with our embodied intersectionality community earning days in the autumn, spring and summer. We also expand our in-house learning to friends of Aashna with creative events - poetry, book launches, film nights with discussions, and annual celebrations.
Consultancy, collaboration and exploratory learning
If you are drawn to our ethos and seek collaboration or experiential learning inspried by Aashna+ projects for your own group or organisation email
Consultancy, collaboration & learning
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